冬 Winter シュトレン Stollen

Ingredients: Flour, yeast, beet sugar, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, egg yolk, soy milk, butter, rum raisins, walnuts, sugar


This is a traditional cake-like German Christmas bread filled with fruit. It is said that the shape of the bread symbolized the infant Christ swaddled in cloth. As it last for days buy a loaf and enjoy a slice or two a day.
(Available end of November to Christmas)

オリーブケーキ Olive cake


Ingredients: Wheat, baking powder, eggs, white wine, olive oil, seasonal vegetables, cheese, black olives

チョコ、ローズマリー、カレンツ Chocolate scone, rosemary scone, currant scone

チョコスコーン Chocolate scone
Ingredients: Wheat, baking powder, sugar, butter, eggs, soy milk, chocolate

ローズマリースコーン Rosemary scone
Ingredients: Wheat, baking powder, sugar, butter, eggs, soy milk, rosemary

カレンツスコーン Currant scone
Ingredients: Wheat, baking powder, sugar, butter, eggs, soy milk, currants

左:ナッツとベリーのカンパーニュ(梨酵母)Left: Campagne with nuts and berries (pear yeast) と右:アーモンドとくるみのカンパーニュ(トマト酵母)Right: Campagne with almonds and walnuts (tomato yeast)

ナッツとベリーのカンパーニュ(梨酵母)Campagne with nuts and berries (pear yeast)
Ingredients: Wheat, rye, salt, honey, nuts, berries, pears

アーモンドとくるみのカンパーニュ(トマト酵母)Campagne with almonds and walnuts (tomato yeast)
Ingredients: Wheat, rye, salt, honey, almonds, walnuts, tomatoes